What is The Mediterranean Diet?
Please note: ModifyHealth's Mediterranean meals are not Low FODMAP. For certified Low FODMAP meals, please view our Low FODMAP plan.
What is the Mediterranean Diet?
The Mediterranean diet is a recommended way of eating that encompasses the culinary traditions of the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Italy, and Spain. The culinary traditions and foundations that the Mediterranean diet is based on have been practiced by countries that border the Mediterranean Sea for thousands of years. The traditional Mediterranean diet is plant-based with an emphasis on vegetables, fresh fruit, beans, nuts, whole grains, olive oil, and fresh fish. You can check out the Mediterranean diet pyramid here to learn more about the different foods that are prioritized in the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean lifestyle is not only centered around delicious, rich-tasting, fresh foods but also embraces the pleasure of eating by sharing meals with friends and family and enjoying regular exercise.
The Mediterranean Diet was Voted Best Overall Diet
Did you know US News and World Report named the Mediterranean diet the “best overall diet” for the past five years? It is no surprise that their panel of health experts would agree that the Mediterranean diet is the best healthy diet available. Over the past five decades, there have been numerous evidence-based studies that have exemplified the many positive health benefits of the Mediterranean diet and a subsequent reduction in all-cause mortality.
Mediterranean Diet Health Benefits
This healthy diet is exploding with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients including polyphenols, fiber, and Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as healthy fats, which are responsible for countless health benefits. These healthy fats are known to improve heart health and brain health. If you want to learn more about the Mediterranean diet and discover easy ways to implement this diet in your life then this article is for you. Adopting a Mediterranean-based diet can be helpful in maintaining optimal health and help treat many common health conditions. The Mediterranean diet is also great for combatting obesity due to its focus on fresh, whole foods which lead to healthy weight loss. It is hard to find healthy diets that are sustainable for life and promote weight loss, which is why we like to consider the Mediterranean diet a "lifestyle."
The Mediterranean Diet Combats and Prevents Chronic Health Conditions
The Mediterranean Diet is also known to prevent and combat chronic health conditions. According to the National Library of Medicine, studies have shown that adherence to the Mediterranean diet can lead to decreased risk for Cardiovascular Disease (heart disease), Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) - now known as metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), Obesity, Hypertension, Type II Diabetes, and Cognitive Disease. This is another big reason why the Mediterranean diet has been named one of the healthiest diets ever created. If you or a loved one suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure, then we highly suggest adopting the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is recognized by the American Heart Association as the best diet for improving heart health and decreasing your risk of heart disease.
The Mediterranean Diet is a Lifestyle
It is important to discuss the definition of the word “diet” as this can help set the mindset for how one chooses to approach a new food pattern. A “diet” refers to the kind of foods a person eats and also refers to the adoption of certain dietary restrictions, such as the case with the low FODMAP diet aimed to help reduce unpleasant IBS symptoms. It is best to embrace the concept that the Mediterranean-style diet is actually a ‘lifestyle’, not a diet that you try for a month or two. Adherence to this new Mediterranean-style diet 100% of the time is not necessary to reap the many health benefits. Instead, focus on eating more of the main staple foods such as vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and fish. Shifting the attention on what to eat versus what not to eat often yields better outcomes. The Mediterranean diet is far from boring, as you can enjoy so many mouthwatering and flavorful foods such as whole-grain bread dipped in olive oil, fruit, cheese, nuts, and wine in moderation. No food group is really excluded from this eating plan.
Click here to view our Mediterranean diet plans
The Numerous Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:
- Improved Cardiovascular Health (heart health) (1,2,3)
- Reduced risk of heart disease and heart attacks
- Lower LDL cholesterol levels (the bad cholesterol)
- Higher HDL cholesterol levels (the good cholesterol)
- Stroke prevention
- Improved blood pressure
- Protection against developing Type 2 Diabetes (4)
- Healthy weight loss and weight maintenance (5,6)
- Improved brain health and function (7)
- Reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s (8)
- Prevention and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) the most common liver disease in the world, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (9)
- Improved mental health including lower risk of depression (10)
- Increased longevity (11)
- Lower risk of developing COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) (12)
- Lower risk of developing cancers (11)
- Healthy weight loss
Foods Encouraged on the Mediterranean Diet:

- Aim for a vegetable with lunch and dinner.
- Try to sneak in a few more by snacking on raw vegetables and hummus for a healthy snack option or toss a handful of spinach or kale into your smoothies or eggs at breakfast.
- Enjoy your vegetable raw, roasted, steamed, grilled, or sautéed in olive oil with herbs and spices. Fresh is best, however, frozen vegetables can work.
Fruit is encouraged for desserts and snacks. All fruit fits in the Mediterranean diet, fresh or frozen. Aim for more seasonal fruit to help ensure better tasting fruit.
Whole Grains - choose whole grains such as quinoa, brown and wild rice, oats, spelt, barley, bulgur, couscous, millet, kamut, teff, spelt, buckwheat, and whole-grain breads and pastas. Avoid refined grains found in baked goods, crackers, cold cereals, pastries, and other foods containing refined white flour, trans-fats, and added sugars.
Choose products with words “whole grain” or “whole wheat” on the very top of the ingredient list when looking at the food label.
Bulk bins are a great place to find whole grains.
Here is a great cheat sheet for whole-grain cooking tips.
Olive Oil is the primary fat source of the Mediterranean diet; however, this diet also emphasizes nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados. Olive oil is encouraged for all of your cooking needs including salad dressings, marinades, and to add the finishing touch to meals. Try to incorporate olive oil or another healthy fat at every meal. The standard recommendation is 2 Tbsps per day.
Legumes including beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh are encouraged three or more times per week in the Mediterranean diet. The mighty, humble bean is a super nutritious addition to any meal as it contains fiber, protein, folate, and really satisfies hunger.
Enjoy black bean tacos, vegetarian chili, or add garbanzo beans to your salad or pasta to meet this goal.
Feel free to cook your own pulses from scratch. Use an Instant Pot, or open up a can (opt for the unsalted variety or rinse under running water in a strainer to keep sodium intake low).
Explore more vegetarian recipes and work these into your weekly rotation or swap meat for your favorite veggie protein source.
Nuts and Seeds add crunch and texture to your meals. Try tossing a few sliced almonds on your greek yogurt or salad or grab a small handful of pecans, walnuts, or peanuts for a quick and satisfying snack.
Greek Yogurt and Cheese are the main dairy foods and are encouraged in low to moderate servings, which translate to one serving up to seven times per week. Sorry, but extra cheese is not really the Mediterranean way as it is considered more of a condiment or way to add flavor. Look for plain, unsweetened Greek yogurts and add your own sliced fruits and nuts to add natural sweetness and crunch.
Fish and Seafood. Try to include at least three servings of fish and seafood per week as these are frequently consumed in the Mediterranean diet. Cold-water fatty fish such as salmon, sardine, cod, haddock, and mackerel are highest in Omega-3 fatty acids. This also includes shellfish such as mussels, clams, oysters, shrimp, crab, and lobster.
- Try a classic Nicoise salad or a spruced-up tuna salad for lunch.
- Choose fish or seafood as your main protein source two times per week at dinnertime.
- Experiment with fish-based appetizers such as anchovies or lox paired with whole-grain crackers.
Red wine can be enjoyed in moderation in the Mediterranean diet. Up to one five-ounce glass per day for women or two glasses per day for men is the recommended upper limit and to be enjoyed at mealtime. If you do not enjoy wine, aim for several servings of red and purple fruits each week such as grapes, raspberries, blackberries and plums to get in those cancer-fighting polyphenols.
Poultry and Eggs are encouraged in low to moderate amounts. Feel free to enjoy one to two eggs for breakfast and chicken or turkey a few times each week on the Mediterranean diet.
Herbs & Spices. Try growing your own herbs to keep always on hand and make sure your pantry is well-stocked with fresh spices, as these really add warmth and enhance all the delicious flavors of your foods.
The Mediterranean diet encourages regular consumption of many plant-based foods preferably those grown locally and in season. Accessibility to fresh produce may be challenging for some based on your geographical area. However, frozen fruits and vegetables provide similar nutrition profiles. If possible, visit farmer’s markets and get involved in local CSA boxes as this connects you to your local farmers and you can experience incredibly fresh foods.
What Foods are Limited on the Mediterranean Diet?
- Sugar and sweets such as cookies, candy, baked goods, and sugar-sweetened beverages including soda. It is best to keep foods with added sugars to a minimum.
- Refined grains such as crackers, chips, pretzels, cold cereals (those that are not whole grain), flour tortillas, white breads, buns, and more.
- Red meat including pork and lamb, processed meats such as bacon, sausage, and hot dogs. Try to keep red meat consumption to only a few times per month.
- Butter, margarine, and trans-fat. It is best to swap butter and these unhealthy fats with olive oil.
Why Do Some People Struggle with Change?
Changing our eating behaviors and lifestyles is not always easy. It can be challenging to find the time to grocery shop, plan, and prepare meals as these all require extra time. Other challenges some struggle with is lack of cooking skills, confidence to cook tasty meals, and lack of family buy-in to try new foods.
Many of us just want to take a break from the kitchen from time to time due to burnout or increased demands in other parts of our life. Quite often, I give my clients the permission to take short cuts, opt for meal services, and choose simple meals while not having guilt around these decisions. Sure, many of us would love to be able to grocery shop, plan fancy meals, shop at the local farmers market, and cook all of your meals from scratch; however, the reality is that this may not really be a reality or work for you at this moment. If you are looking for all the amazing health benefits of the Mediterranean diet without all the work, you are in luck. ModifyHealth is now offering a Mediterranean diet meal delivery.
Try Mediterranean Meal Delivery...

The easiest way to get started with the Mediterranean diet is to sign up for the Mediterranean Program from ModifyHealth. Their exciting new, fully-prepared Mediterranean entrees deliver right to your door. Choose from a variety of dietitian and chef-created meals designed to help you feel your best. Enjoy them at home, at work or while traveling - simply heat and enjoy. It really couldn't be simpler!
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